

发布日期:2024-01-28 10:43  点击次数:168









(1)“Originally from UK, back in 1977, I was only coming here for 2 years employment. I worked for HK government, and they renewed my contract so that I stayed. Always renewing, and I stayed on. I spent with the government about 15 years. Then I worked for MTR, then 15 years I was working in Taiwan, California in the US. But I maintained a home here, I spent more time here than anywhere else in the world. HK is so vibrant, but I would say it was better when you work and live here, just living here is not as the same as working and living here. Because when you work here, you get more out of life, things happen quicker, and you are more enthusiastic about making the most of the time you have. And it’s very easy to utilize your time in HK, nowhere else in the world can you do that. In a way I wish I was still working here, but my wife insisted I retire. She said you was getting old, the rest of your life you should relax. Now I’ve been retired for 3 years. We do a lot of travelling in China and Europe. As long as we are still healthy, we’ll use the time for travelling as much as possible. But I also get very bored, secretly, I would like to work. I have friends who are still working in their 70s, and I know people who are still working in their 80s. But my wife says no, what choice do I have so?”


(Humans of HK)







(2/2)“At the time I was working in the UK, for the local government, but I started looking for work overseas. Oh it’s very easy to get an employment overseas then, and I was offered a job in Saudi Arabia, and one in Africa. And all of a sudden, this opportunity in HK came. I remember I was speaking to somebody in my office, who used to work in HK in the 1950’s, and he said:’Don’t go anywhere else, go to HK. And you’d find absolutely amazing, and you’d had a great time there.’ Because of the Mideast oil crisis, in early 70’s in HK, they stopped a lot of development. And then when the crisis settled down, the finance got better control, all of a sudden, HK boomed. When I came in 1977, it was at its highest boom, there were so much work going on for civil engineering, mass transit development, private development, government development. Oh my god, it’s changing rapidly, the place with big construction sign, it never looks the same 2 days running! Now I’m 69, I’ve been here for 40 years. And I married a HK girl, and we’ve been married 36 years. We have 2 boys, they both are working here now. So for my best decision, I think it’s came to HK. It’s such a difference it might not come to my life, it was an experience I’m so thankful for.”

(Humans of HK)


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